the hoo collective

february 6th - march 31st  

Dr. john greene

from memory with eyes from Barnesville, GA, is a Who’s Who among physicians and headed Vanderbilt’s Student Health Center for over 30 years. Although his drawing skills were strong, he began focusing on his artworks at 79 years old.

Linda greene

from memory with eyes closed….. is from Thomaston, GA, had no previous art instruction before joining her son Todd in creating bodies of work for their shows. Her Grandfather, Herbert “Paw Paw” Morgan, serves as inspiration for her work. Linda artistically recreates his drawings of biblical passages from his preaching days.

J. Todd Greene

from memory with eyes closed….. from August, GA, has been creating drawings, paintings and music for as long as he can remember. He graduated from Savannah College of Art And Design and a life pursuing the arts is his dream and passion. Todd is endlessly grateful to the Hoo Collective for assisting him in the realization of his dream.

andy harding

from memory with eyes closed… from Union City, TN, has been a pillar of the Nashville art community for over 20 years. His work is unique, excellently crafted and among the best of what the state has to offer. The Hoo collective and Nashville are lucky to claim him, resident.

alex sager

from memory with eyes closed…. from Altamont, IL, is the new hot hand of the Hoo Collective. They have recently shown in Zeitgeist Gallery and is dedicating more and more time to their artistic endeavors. Music, film and social justice are at the top of Alex’s passion list and the Collective is honored to call Alex a comrade.


about the show

The Eternal Show is an evolving, never-ending art installation constructed anywhere, anytime. This particular iteration, executed within the walls of Galerie Tangerine, is entitled, “An Accidental Exorcist”.  The imagery explores Eternal Recurrence, Shadow-Self Integration, Surveillance, Free Will, Control, Assembly and Disassembly. It is an illustrated/sculpted/painted layout of the lifecycle of each artist of the Hoo Collective with the goal of more deeply examining the influences and events of their entire lives.  The Collective aims to foster and encourage self-examination, connection to one’s own Personal Genius, and the overcoming of fear.