Apparition (Ghost of Garcia Lorca)
61 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2014

Blue Supremacist
37 x 25 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2013

Comfort Woman (Soldier’s Consolation)
55 x 55 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2010

Damsel in Distress (Purple Pain)
73 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2012

Emerging Man I (Primordial Swamp)
72 x 60 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2012

Emerging Man II (Melting Pot Pains)
49 x 37 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2016

Gender Bender (Moscow Mugshot)
61 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2013

Ghetto Mutant
49 x 31 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2015

Ghost of the Father
49 x 73 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2013

Ignoramous Anonymous
37 x 25 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2013

Obedient Boy II
41 x 31 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2011

Quadroon Queen II
49 x 37 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2014

Sally in Solitary (Thirty to Life)
49 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2011

Scarred Adultress (Acid Justice, Bangladesh)
61 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2015

Segmented Man
49 x 31 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2016

Seventh Circle Sinner (Dante’s Inferno)
56 x 38 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2013

Soweto Quarry (Apartheid Portrait)
49 x 31 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2013

Twice Stricken Truth Seeker
73 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2010

Wichita Werewolf (Zealot Protester)
61 x 49 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2010

Wildwood Vulcan (Arsonist)
73 x 61 inches | acrylic on canvas | 2010